Phase 2 of Medical School
Focus on:
During Phase 2, your academics continue to be the top priority, and finding balance with your various responsibilities is key. Remember that we are here for you, and want to help. Please reach out. Your AD, Dr. Nobay and Dr. Newton are resources for you during medical school.
Key Dates:

- ■ January 12, 2024: Deadline for Year-out Research
- ■ Step 1 Resources:
- ■ All University of Rochester medical students are required to take USMLE Step 1 before the first day of Phase 3 following Phase 2 to progress into Phase 3. (for more information refer to the Student Handbook)
- ■ CETL Contact Robin Frye, PhD for study skills
- ■ USMLE Account Login
- ■ January: All Class Meeting with Dr. Nobay, Dr. Newton and Dr. Frye on Preparing for Step 1
- ■ Careers in Medicine for specialty exploration
- ■ USMLE Policy
- ■ UWorld School’s 6 month subscription – details are provided in September
Continue to build from Phase 1 year experiences
- ■ Look for leadership positions in the groups that you have found the most interesting
- ■ It's never too late to think about research
- ■ Expanding the scope of community service projects you are already involved with
- ■ Be on the lookout for opportunities that won't take a high level of commitment but can add to your CV
USMLE Step 1