Phase 3 of Medical School
Focus On:
Phase 3 is the time to begin targeting a specialty choice. Take advantage of clerkship experiences, mentoring opportunities and exploring specialties. Disclaimer on top, use Phase 3 to experience the full range of medicine and start using advisors
Key Dates:

- ■ January 12, 2024: Year-out Application Deadline
- ■ April 2024: ERAS Overview Session
- ■ If curious about ERAS deadlines please browse the Phase 4 page
Career Planning:
- ■ Meet w/ Specialty Faculty, Identify Mentos/Potential Letter Writers
- ■ Enroll in Electives that will help assist in the process
- ■ Focus on extracurriculars that are specialty specific
- ■ +/- Step 2 (consider timing)
Phase 3 Timing:
- ■ Early:
- ■ Refining electives
- ■ Extracurriculars that align with specialty interest
- ■ Middle
- ■ Biosketch
- ■ Individual Development Plan – work with your Advisory Dean to review and submit.
- ■ IDP
- ■ Narrowing specialty
- ■ Thinking about your USMLE Step 2 date
- ■ Reviewing programs
- ■ Starting to put together your CV/PS
- ■ Identifying potential LOR writers
- ■ Connecting with your mentors
- ■ Late
- ■ Preparing your responses to application questions & completing your Supplemental Application
- ■ Connecting with letter writers
- ■ Generate preliminary Application List
- ■ Connecting with your mentors
- ■ Take your professional picture
- ■ Away Rotations: VSLO
- ■ Experiences
- ■ Clerkships, aways, extracurriculars, electives, research
Identify your letter writers
- ■ In addition to your Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) you can submit up to 4 letters of recommendations.
- ■ Ideally letter writers should be faculty you have worked closely with, affiliated with programs you're interested in, and can speak to your strengths
Be aware that some specialties have specific requirements for letters of recommendations
When you request a letter:
- ■ Make sure the letter writer knows you
- ■ Knows what specialty you are applying to
- ■ Has your current copy of your Curriculum Vitale (CV)
- ■ The letter writer should be provided the following….
- ■ ERAS letter of recommendation link
- ■ Deadline for letter completion (end of August/early September)
- ■ Why you are applying to that specialty
- ■ What makes you a competitive candidate
- ■ Thank you for the time they took to draft the letter
Late Phase 3/Early Phase 4
Have a target specialty choice
- ■ Meet with your AD to discuss your potential career options, review MSPE process, and create a plan based on career choice and clinical performance
- ■ Create a plan based on your clinical performance, comprehensive assessment data, USMLE scores, and specialty specific competencies.
- ■ Meet with Department Designated Advisors & Mentors to ensure a good “fit”