Phase 4 of Medical School
Game On:
Time to apply to residency and show all of the hard work you’ve accomplished over the years. Remember that your AD, specialty mentors, Drs. Nobay and Newton are here during every step of the process.
Key Dates:

- ■ June 25, 2024: ERAS 2025 Opens
- ■ September 4, 2024: Residency applicants may being submitting MyERAS to programs
- ■ September 16, 2024: Registration opens for the NRMP 2025 Match Cycle
- ■ September 25, 2024: Residency programs begin reviewing MyERAS applications, MSPEs, and supplemental ERAS application data at 9am ET
- ■ February 3, 2025: Rank order list entry opens
- ■ March 5, 2025: Rank order list deadline (9pm ET)
- ■ March 17, 2025: Match week begins! Get notified of match status
- ■ March 21, 2025: Match Day!
Common Resources:
Resources (application specific):
- ■ Phase 4 Planning
- ■ Identify when to take USMLE Step 2 CK (some will want their score prior to submitting MyERAS)
- ■ Create a plan for Phase 4 that works on strengthening your clinical practice
- ■ Meet with your AD to discuss Phase 4 electives
- ■ Review your Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)
- ■ Year 4 Specialty Specific Competencies
- ■ Residency Application Planning
- ■ Application Material
- ■ Ensure Letter writers have Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) letter links and ensure deadlines with friendly reminders
- ■ Professional portrait for ERAS application
- ■ Finalize personal statement, CV, MSPE
■ Preparing for Interview Season
- ■ Invites are specialty specific and may not come in immediately
- ■ Schedule mock interviews
- ■ Practice interview responses
■ Preparing for Match
- ■ Finalize rank list Consult with your specialty mentors and Advisory Dean as needed.
- ■ Residency Explorer is a helpful tool that lets you explore and compare residency programs and compare your profile (your experiences, standardized exam scores and accomplishments) to 2014-2018 applicants
- ■ URMatched is an internal database of URSMD's Match data from previous years. Searches can be filtered by specialty, location, or program and you will see individuals who matched into these categories throughout the years. You must be connected to the URMC network to access the database.
- ■ How competitive is the Match?